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Class Builds: Ogryn Skullbreaker: Titan Guard

The Ogryn Skullbreaker carries a "Grenade Box" as its "Blitz" or grenade slot. It is a single target high damage attack. Their aura is "Intimidating Presence" which grants +10% Heavy Melee Attack Damage to all allies in coherency. The Ogryn Skullbreaker's Tactical Ability is "Bull Rush" which is a ferocious charge that knocks back weaker heretics, and is very good for crowd control when being rushed by the horde.

The Ogryn Skullbreaker doesn't seem to have a resource mechanic like the Zealot Preacher or the Psyker Psykinetic, but it does have a few passives. The first passive is "Thick Skin" which is +20% toughness damage reduction and +20% health damage reduction. The second passive is "Excessive Force" which grants +25% melee stagger. The last passive is "Loyal Protector" which reads: Being damaged while Reviving or Assisting allies no longer interrupts you.

The second build I want to introduce from the Ogryn Skullbreaker class will dive a bit deeper into some of the perks that make the Ogryn Skullbreaker a good anti-elite choice. "Thick Skin" would make the Ogryn Skullbreaker able to withstand more hits from elite enemies. "Excessive Force" can stagger some elites as well, so that is a big boon towards this build. The Grenade Box can also come in handy if you need to dish a lot of damage out to a single target. This is a great choice for roughing up some elites.

Here I will list the perks I chose for every 5 levels that the Ogryn Skullbreaker gains. After I will talk a little more about how all of these perks can synergize to create a good build.

Style: Front-Line

Focus: Anti-Elite

Melee Weapon: Single Target High Damage (Maybe Grenadier Guantlets? I didn't play with those in the beta, but I will know better when I can dive deeper at launch)

Ranged Weapon: Auto-cannon or good anti-horde weapon

Level 5: Smash 'Em Good

"Replenishment 15% Toughness on Single Enemy Heavy Melee Hit."

- Make sure to heavy melee attack often when fighting elites so that you can replenish your Toughness quickly.

Level 10: Heavyweight

"+50% Melee Damage (Bulwarks, Crushers, Plague Ogryns, Reapers). +50% Damage Reduction (Bulwarks, Crushers, Plague Ogryns, Reaper)."

- This is a no brainer if we want to build an anti-elite Ogryn Skullbreaker.

Level 15: Towering Presence

"+50% Coherency Radius"

- This will provide more support for your teammates who are fighting the horde as you face off against the elites

Level 20: Hard As Nails

"-25% Damage Taken for each ally currently Knocked Down or Incapacitated"

- Major Clutch perk. Reducing damage against you while a teammate is down is going to help against the horde greatly. This will also help in the case you haven't already defeated the elites in the room.

Level 25: Payback Time

"When an enemy damages you, gain +20% against enemies of the same type for 5s."

- If the Plagued Ogryn hits you, this should give you a noticeable boon against it or any other elite that hits you.

Level 30: Unstoppable

"Increases the distance you travel with Bull Rush by 100 metres, and you cannot be blocked by enemies except Monstrosities."

- Running over elites has never felt so fun.

With this build we are looking to go toe to toe with a Plagued Ogryn, or potentially other monstrosities. It is also very strong at clearing elites if you are lacking that component in your team build.

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