The Ogryn Skullbreaker carries a "Grenade Box" as its "Blitz" or grenade slot. It is a single target high damage attack. Their aura is "Intimidating Presence" which grants +10% Heavy Melee Attack Damage to all allies in coherency. The Ogryn Skullbreaker's Tactical Ability is "Bull Rush" which is a ferocious charge that knocks back weaker heretics, and is very good for crowd control when being rushed by the horde.
The Ogryn Skullbreaker doesn't seem to have a resource mechanic like the Zealot Preacher or the Psyker Psykinetic, but it does have a few passives. The first passive is "Thick Skin" which is +20% toughness damage reduction and +20% health damage reduction. The second passive is "Excessive Force" which grants +25% melee stagger. The last passive is "Loyal Protector" which reads: Being damaged while Reviving or Assisting allies no longer interrupts you.
The first build I want to introduce for the Ogryn Skullbreaker class will be focused more on confronting the horde head on. The "Thick Skin" makes him a frontline warrior, being able to fill in the "Tank" role for the party. "Excessive Force" is handy to knock around the enemies, making them easy targets for cleanup by your team. The Ogryn Skullbreaker is already naturally better equipped to handle large hordes of enemies surrounding it, so with some perks we can really optimize the overall potential for this class against the horde.
Here I will list the perks I chose for every 5 levels that the Ogryn Skullbreaker gains. After I will talk a little more about how all of these perks can synergize to create a good build.
Style: Front-Line
Focus: Anti-Horde
Melee Weapon: Cleave Anti-Horde melee
Ranged Weapon: Shotgun for quickly eliminating higher health enemies/elites
Level 5: Best Form of Defense
"Replenish 15% Toughness on Hitting Multiple Enemies with a single Heavy Melee Attack."
- This will happen often. Make sure to be taking advantage of the heavy melee attacks if you play this class, since the staggering of the enemies can make quick work of huge hordes.
Level 10: Blood & Thunder
"+1 Bleed Stack on Heavy Melee Hit"
- Keep using the heavy melee hit. This is a huge bonus to your offense, since you will be hitting multiple enemies with every swing.
Level 15: Lead The Charge
"When you activate Bull Rush, allies in Coherency gain 25% movement speed for 4s."
- This can be used very offensively, but also has defensive capabilities. Offensively, you can knock heretics from an entire horde on their backs if you time it right as they are rushing towards you. Then your team can keep moving forward quickly, cleaning up everything you left behind. Defensively, you can use it to break up a horde that has swarmed you team, granting speed to your team so they can reposition out of harm's way.
Level 20: Die Hard
"+100% Toughness replenishment while below 25% health."
- Between this and the extra Toughness you get for heavy melee attacks on multiple targets, you will be hard to take down, especially in clutch scenarios, potentially taking out entire hordes by yourself if you play it right.
Level 25: Knife Through Butter
"Fully charged heavy attacks have unlimited Cleave."
- This is a clear advantage for this build, since you will be primarily swinging in wide arcs to hit as many enemies as you can. The more hit the merrier.
Level 30: Bull Gore
"+1 Bleed Stacks on Enemies Hit by Bull Rush"
- This will help clean up entire hordes.
With this build you are the horde's worst nightmare. You can knock them around and inflict mass amounts of bleed damage all while being able to sustain your toughness.